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Sunday, July 16, 2017

number system questions

Number system questions paper 

Descriptive Type 

1 . What do you mean by decimal number system?

2. Explain the binary number system?

3. How will you convert a binary number to the decimal form?

4. How is binary addition done?

5. a What are complements?

6. What is the significance of 2.’compliment in binary arithmetic?

7. Explain the hexadecimal number system?

8. What is a Binary Coded Decimal?

9. What are Excess-3 and Gray codes?

10, What is the octal number system?

Fill in the blank 

1. We use the __________________ number system for our day-to-day activities.

2. The number of digits a number system uses to represent the numbers in the systems the __________________  or __________________

3. The base of the octal number system is __________________

4. ASCII stands for  __________________

5. Binary number system uses only two digits __________________  and __________________

6 A binary digit is called a __________________

7. The decimal equivalent of the binary number 10100 is  __________________

True / False

1. In the decimal number system there are ten digits 0 through 9.

2 The radix 0f the hexadecimal number system is 8.

3 when you add 1 to the 9’s complement you will get the 1 0’ s complement 4 The binary equivalent of 15 1s 1 l 1 1

5 The hexadecimal equivalent of 15 13 E " g g x .

6 Adding a number to the 2’ s complement of another number is equivalent to subtracting the second number from the first.

7 To represent positive number a 1 is placed before the binary number

8 In the fixed-point number representation system, all numbers are represented as integers or fraction.

11 9 The binary equivalent of 45 is 101 101 and its BCD code is 0100 0101

10 Excess-3 code is formed by adding 3 to the decimal number and then forming the binary coded number.

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