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Sunday, June 25, 2017

computer architecture questions

Computer architecture questions paper

I. How Babage’s Folly helped the development of modern computers?

 2. Which is the first electronic computer and what are its features?

 3. What is the specialty of ENIAC?

 4. What is the difference between low-level and high-level languages?

5. Which is the first commercial computer and what are its features?

6. What are the components of a computer?

7. How is memory organized?

8. What is inside a computer processor?

9. How does a processor work?

10. What are peripheral devices?

1 1. What is memory-mapped I / O?

12. What are [/0 instructions and processors?

13. What is memory cache?

14. What is the difference between CISC and RISC machines?

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of CISC machines?

16. What is microcode?

17. What is an instruction set?

18. What is RISC?

19. What are the characteristics of RISC machines?

20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of RISC machines?

Fill in the Blank

1. The first mechanical calculator was developed by _____

2.  _____was the first all-electronic computer.

3. ENLAC stands for_____

4. CISC stands for _____

5. RISC stands for_____

6 COBOL stands for_____

7. FORTRAN is the abbreviation of _____

8. are programs that translate assembly language into machine language 9. UNIVAC stands for_____

10. _____ is a design technique where the computer’s hardware processes more than one instruction at a time and does not wait for one instruction to complete before starting the next

True / False 

1. Babbage‘s Folly is a machine that was supposed to be an automatic mechanical calculator that never worked.

2, Mark I was Programmed by punch cards, weighed 5 tons, and could do a multiplication operation in about 6 seconds.

3. In the late 1950's transistors-1 / 200th the size of a vacuum tube-came into use.

4, The first computer to have the Von Neumann Architecture was the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer, or EDSAC, which became operational in 1952.

5. In a typical Von Neumann system, instructions and data are mixed together in the same memory, often With data following immediately after an instruction.

6. UNIVAC was the first computer to handle both numerical and alphabetic information with equal ease.

7. The UNIVAC was a vacuum tube computer, and its input was through magnetic tape; storage was magnetic tapes or a magnetic drum.

8. Memory-mapped I / 0 makes the peripheral look like a block of RAM to the main processor.

9. The most efficient way to connect peripheral devices to a system is through the use of I/O processors.

10. A memory cache is a block of fast RAM placed between the processor and slower memory such as main memory or a hard disk.

11. ABCD stands for Add Decimal with Extend.

12. TAS is the abbreviation of Test Operand and Set. 

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