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Thursday, June 22, 2017

sslc model question paper 2017


10th model question paper

English I Paper

Section –A Vocabulary (20 Marks)
I.a.    Choose the appropriate synonym of the under lined word:-    
  5 x 1 = 5

          ‘Character is destiny’ is a truism (1). A person may not have money but it would
          suffice (2) if he has trustfulness, diligence and industry. An honest man may do
          exacting (3) labour and may not have a decent home yet his services are
          indispensable(4) for the develop of the country. The earnestness (5) of
          principled citizens has always led to the prosperity of a country.
          1. a) lie                          b) compliment    c) a fallacy           d) a true statement
          2. a) surplus                  b) scarce              c) be enough       d) inadeqnate
          3. a) easy                       b) demanding     c) lethargic          d) cozy
          4. a) in essential           b) essential                   c) insignificant    d) disposable
          5. a) light heartdness   b) critically                   c) fatal                 d) seriousness

I.b.    Choose the appropriate antonym of the underlined word:-                     
 5 x 1 = 5
          Kancheepuram is famous(1) for its temples and silk weaving centres. It is amazing (2) to learn that one Silvalinga is believed to be buried inside kanchi soil at each step. The Pallava king’s reverence (3) to Gods and Goddesses and their patronage (4) of temple art can’t be under valued (5).
6.       a) popular                      b) infamous         c) widely know  d) drab
7.       a) appalling                  b) unique             c) interesting       d) surprising
8.       a) respect                      b) loyalty            c) disloyalty        d) irrevenace
9.       a) discouragement       b) dissuasion      c) support            d) denial
10.     a) over valued              b) respect            c) ill-treated      d) treated as if no value
c.       Answer any Ten of the following:-                
 10 x 1 = 10

11.     Expand the abbreviation “LAN”.
          a) Labour Agitation Notification            b)Lazy Alien Narrative
          c)Local Area Network                              d)Language Assisted Network
12.     Choose the sentence that is correct in meaning
          a) Sheela does not want to die her hair.
          b) Sheela does not want to dye her hair.
13.     Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English words.
          Sneha went on a holiday to Honolalu Island.
14.     Which of the words given below can be placed after ‘black’ to form a
          compound          word?
          a) tube        b) board     c) voice       d) paper
15.     What is the plural form of the word ‘formula’?
          a)formulae          b)formulas          c)formula
16.     Attach a prefix to the word ‘pleasure’ from the list given below to complete the
          Never incure the ______ of your mother in life.
          a) un           b) mis                  c) dis          d) in

17.     Replace the underlined word in the sentence with one of the phrasal verb given
          below to convey the same meaning.
          Diane thanked shelly for protecting Goldy.
          a) taking care of b) taking off        c) taking away   d) taking over
18.     Separate syllables of any one of the following words.
          a) properly                    b) internal           c) rumour
19.     Choose the appropriate word to make a meaningful sentence.
          He was a ______ old man with unsteady steps.
          a)wise                  b)wizened          
20.     Construct a sentence using one of the words given below.
          a) dependence    b) dependably    c) dependability
21.     Reframe the sentence using the underlined word as a verb.
          His shirt had a few patches.
22.     Which of the two sentences given below conveys the following meaning?
          He was really a very amazing model
a)    Is he an amazing model?
b)    What an amazing model!

Section – B –Grammar (25 Marks)

II.A.  Respond to the following as directed.
23.     Which of the options given below will suit the following sentence?
          If he had not slipped, _______ the race.
a)    He will win
b)    He would be won.
c)     He would have won.
24.     Identify the pattern of the following sentence.
          The message made her faint
          a) SVOA              b) SVOC              c) SVOCA          
25.     Choose the correct question tag for the following statement.
          The earth moves round the sun, _________?
          a) Did it               b) Doesn’t            c) was it
26.     Complete the sentence
          Silver is not _______ Gold
a) most precious b) so precious as c) more precious than
27.     Choose the sentence which correctly conveys the meaning of the sentence given
          The rains in Rajasthan never fall about 100mm
          a) It hardly ever rains more than 100 mm in Rajasthan
          b) It never rains in Rajasthan less than 100 mm
          c) The rains in Rajasthan are unpredictable
28.     Complete the sentence:
          He continued to bat well ______ a cramp in his right leg.
          a) due to    b) in spite of                 c) on account of

29.     Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:
          The world cup final was a feast ___________
          a) watching         b) to watch          c) watch
30.     Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence:
          The principal asked if the boys were prepared ______ two hours after the bell.
          a) for staying      b) to staying                 c) on staying
31.     Choose the appropriate article to complete the sentence.
          She gave _______ slice of bread. a) a             b) an           c) the
32.     Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence.
          His expenditure is ______ his income
a) over       b) on           c) above

II.B.  Rewrite as directed:-                                                                                     5 x 2 = 10
33.     From the context of the two sentences given below form a single sentence
          He has failed many times. He still hopes to succeed.
34.     Rewrite this sentence using the passive voice
          Shyla was reading a book when she was called by her mother.
35.     Rewrite this sentence in direct speech.
          The lawyer said to his friends, “Please permit me to go out for a minute”.
36.     From the context of the two sentences given below form a single sentence using
          the ‘If’ clause. I do this test. I improve my English.
37.     Read the following sentences about a heading and write an observation in a
          single sentence using any one of the degrees of comparison – small countries
          (area – wise)
          a) San Marino has 24 square miles.
          b) Tuvaur had an area of 9 square miles.
          c) Nauru has 8.5 square miles
          d) Monaco has an area of 0.7 square miles.
          e) Vatican city has 0.2 square miles.

II.c.   Punctuate the following sentence:                                                                 5 x 1 = 5
38.     india is a safe country for the hindus the muslims the christians and the sikhs.

Section – C – Prose 15 Marks)
III.a)           Answer briefly any five of the following questions:- 

5 x 2 = 10

          (You answer should not exceed 30 words)
39.     What made the old man look like a typical beggar?
40.     What are the two incidents that stress the importance of music as an essential
41.     What is the significance of art?
42.     How can Maharasfra Bill help the workers.
43.     Do the labour laws include all age groups of workers?
44.     Describe the manner in which birds make their long journey?
45.     What could be the meaning of the phrase ‘carrying winter on their back’?

III.b. Answer in a paragraph any one of the following questions:
          You paragraph should NOT exceed 120 words:-    
1 x 5 = 5

46.     How is character important in life?
47.     Describe the daily routine of chaya and her family?
48.     What were the contributions of the Cholas to art and culture?

Section – D (Poetry – 20Marks)
IV. a.          Quote from memory one of the following extracts:                                   1 x 5 = 5
49.     First five lines of the poem ‘Going for water’.    (OR)
50.     The five lines from the poem Migrant Bird ‘No maps … I will not’.
IV.b. Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the questions given below  each set:-  

 5 x 1 = 5

51.     If you can meet with triumph and disaster;
          And treat those two imposters just the same;
          i) Who are the two imposters?
52.     The well was dry beside the door
          And so we went with pail and can
          ii) What did the boys carry?
          iii) What do you mean by a pail?
53.     For, all day, we drag our burden tiring;
          iv) What do the speakers refer to as ‘burden’?
54.     No walls for me, no vigil gates.
          v) What does the walls mean?

IV.c.  Read the following lines from the poems you have studied and answer the questions given below    
 5 x 1 = 5

55.     I spawn and splash in distant spills.
          i) Identify the figure of speech.
56.     Through the coal – dark underground.
          ii) Identify the figure of speech.
57.     With laughter when she found us soon.
          iii) Pick out the words using allileration.
          iv) Identify the figure of speech.
58.     If you can dream and not make dreams your master;
          If you can think and not make though YOUR AIM;
          If you can meet with triumph and disaster;
          v) Pick out the rhyming scheme.
IV.d. Answer in a paragraph any one of the following questions:-                  

 1 x 5 = 5

          (Your paragraph should not exceed 120 words)
59.     What does paul Homes say about ‘Inner beauty’ in his poem ‘Beautiful Inside’?
60.     What are the poet’s reminiscences about his childhood days?
61.     Bring out the toil and efforts of the ‘Shilpi’ in his attempt of shaping a raw stone
          into a sculpture.

Section – E – (Language functions -15 Marks)
V.a)  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:- 

 5 x 1 = 5

          In 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first powered flight in history at kitty Hawk. North Carolina. This site was chosen because of its winds. Which would lift the plane like a kite. The first attempt lasted only 12 seconds and inventors and pilots were busy improving the airplane. They made much longer flights and even put it to some practical uses. In 1909 the wrights delivered the first military plane to the United State Army. As early as 1914, a plane had begun to carry passengers on daily flights and in 1918 regular air – mail service was started between Washingtor and New York.

62.     Who made the first powered flight? Where? When?
63.     How long did the first flight last and what distance did it cover?
64.     When did the US Army get the first military plane?
65.     Why was Kitty Hawk chosen for the first flight?
66.     Which places were first connected by air-mail service?

V.b.  Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences:-                     

5 x 1 = 5

67.     Hari said to me to play.
68.     You have lost your pen, isn’t it?
69.     My brother is elder than me.
70.     No news are good news.
71.     Use a HB pencil, to mark in your OMR sheet.
72.     What do you see in this picture?
73.     How many persons do you see on the road?
74.     What danger do the pedestrians face in this locality?
75.     Who do you think is responsible for this negligence?
76.     What would you do if you had to walk down this road?

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